This is gona be random =)
** The only thing i loove about smmer is tanning..i recently went to messila beach..Yes Yes i moo noo3i hailag w hal araf bs thats the only place i can go to w a5th ra7tee ! Awal mara ashoof poeple ray7een il ba7ar w shams w 7ala w 7a6atle make up ! ibthimitichh ?? lool..ilmookan moo2rif il9ara7a bs i got an amazing tan =) in the end thats all that matters
** Sorry to all those ily 3ndhoom BlackBerry's bs likuwait mu shayfa 5air w ma9i5ooha..w lama a6l3 wiya wa7da 3ndaha BB mat-hiida! intay al7een 6al3aa wiyay! take a chill pill man! 3arafna il mobile fe kilshay bs its too much =O
**I'm almost done with My Sister's Keeper- Jodi Picoult..It is an amazing book. i didnt think i would like it at all bs i love it =)
**i always think of the future and my future kids..Madre somethimes i think ina i shouldnt even bring kids cos of the life now w the generation.. ok arabee the kid 3adl bs who knows what happens when the kid goes to school and sees all thats happening!=O its very sad and scary. Allah Yastirr 3alainaa bs.. Is there something you always think about in the future?